The Ordeal begins with the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony and ends with the Membership Ceremony. It is the most important event in the Ancient Circle of the Arrow.
The Ordeal begins with the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony and ends with the Membership Ceremony. It is the most important event in the Ancient Circle of the Arrow.
The Way of Solitude (Night alone)
Each candidate and Elangomat spends the night alone in a wilderness setting. There are no tents allowed that night. Ground cloth below, sleeping bag or bedroll of some kind, something to place over you if it rains.
The Way of Service (Arduous labor)
Patrols are not combined together for work projects. The projects must be useful, not “make-work”. The purpose of the service is to grow together in our joy in serving others.
The Way of Fasting (Scant food)
The two meals during the Ordeal (breakfast and lunch) are to be small in quantity and bland. It is important to take into account any allergies or medical issues that impact diet.
The Way of Silence (Listen inward and outward)
The ideal is absolutely no talking by candidates, Elangomats, or any staff within hearing distance of them. No candidate or Elangomat hears a spoken word, or music. Just silence.
The patrol leader of a patrol of candidates is called an Elangomat. His example is the most important single part of the Ordeal. Each Elangomat, just like each candidate, is going through a personal experience. Assistant Elangomats are to be treated as Elangomats for all purposes. Staff are to treat Elangomats with respect and honor.
Scouts remember their Ordeal forever. And are rightfully proud of completing it. It is a much more difficult induction than most organizations.
The attitude of the Elangomat toward the Ways of Solitude, Service, Fasting, and Silence is key to the impact of the Ordeal.
For more information about the Ordeal, download: Ordeal Manual v05