Weekend Events

The core of the Ancient Circle of the Arrow (ACA) is its induction.  But is that the entire program?  Not at all!


What Will Our ACA Weekend Events Be Like?

When your Scout association adopts the ACA program, you will  control it.  Just like you control all other programs that you develop or adopt.  We provide materials so that you do not have to start from scratch.  But we, the Stewards, will not be running it.  You will.  So your ACA weekend events will reflect your association’s rules and traditions.  It will be up to you.  But it is valuable for you to understand the desired feel and character of such events.

The Ancient Circle of the Arrow is an Outdoor Program

Some meetings are likely to be held indoors.  Planning and business meetings, for example.  But the only meeting you are likely to want to hold indoors for the members as a whole would be an annual awards banquet.  Which is by no means necessary when starting out.

So your most important ACA meetings for your members will be held as weekend events at a camp.

It is unwise to have too many events.  ACA members have other responsibilities in Scouting that should take priority.  You should find out what works for you.  But probably no more than four a year.  Less to start with.

Your ACA may adopt a tradition of holding Vigil Honor inductions during a particular event in your annual calendar.

Youth Run

You will want to have elected youth officers leading your program.  They appoint youth chairmen who head youth committees to accomplish the work, including all events.  This provides advanced level leadership roles for Scouts well beyond those in troops.  Your programs will appeal to your Scouts because they are designed and led by other youth.

Every youth leader is to have an adult advisor who should help the youth succeed and be responsible for ensuring that the program is safe and follows your rules.

You will need to establish a specific age at which a youth becomes an adult in the ACA.  For example, those 18-20 might be an adult legally, yet a youth in the ACA.  Your choice.

With the possible exception of the top leadership positions in your ACA, all ACA members will be registered in other parts of your Scouting program.  So their primary responsibilities lie outside of the ACA.

What Are Ordeal Weekends Like?

An Ordeal focuses on the candidates the entire weekend.  You must hold at least one Ordeal each year, or you aren’t really functioning. Advancement to Fletcher is built into the weekend.  Those serving as Elangomats (including Assistant Elangomats) for the first time become Fletchers at the end of the membership ceremony, in view of the new members that they served as Elangomat.

There are many tasks necessary to support the weekend.  There are leadership roles. Work projects, and their tools, need coordinated.  Like any camp weekend, people must be checked in and assigned camping areas and meals must be prepared.  There are ceremonialists who have memorized their parts in the Pre-Ordeal and Membership ceremonies.  They will be practicing together and preparing the ceremonial rings for each ceremony.

All members are encouraged to attend Ordeal weekends.  So, what do members who have not volunteered for any role do during the Ordeal?  They assist those who have assigned roles.  Or join in the service projects with the candidates and Elangomats.  Even volunteer to be an Assistant Elangomat, which requires no training.  Or they might work on separate work projects for the camp that may not be suitable for candidates who are on silence.

As a youth ACA member, perhaps the most liberating sensation is that you are free to choose what to participate in.  Interested in the ceremonies?  Go hang out with them, helping and learning.

ACA members come to think of the camp as “theirs”.  This feeling encourages them to attend and promote the camp throughout the year.

What are Other Weekends Like?

There can be events that are social, training, or service oriented.  Or more likely, a combination.

Social elements might include a weekend theme.  “Star Wars” anyone?  Light-hearted competition.  Whatever your camp can support.  The content is planned and executed by the youth members.  So over time, they will develop fun new approaches.

Training sessions can be anything:

  • Elangomat training
  • Understanding the ceremonies
  • Leadership skills
  • Advanced Scout skills
  • Scouting history
  • Etcetera

Service might be preparing the camp for a subsequent Scouting event, some new camp feature, camp maintenance, or even cleanup after a big storm.

Even more than at an Ordeal, individuals are free to choose which program events to participate in.  Or help run.

Adults, as well as youth, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and feeling of comradery with others who are dedicated to Scouting but rarely have the chance to chat with.

Organizational Units of Your ACA

If your Scout association is broken up into separate geographical territories, you may eventually want to create parallel organizational units for your ACA.  If sufficiently small, you may have perhaps monthly meetings of those units.  You are free to adopt you own naming conventions, consistent with your local traditions.